Algorithmic Constitutionalism Momentum/Lendület Research Group - HUN-REN -- Budapest, Hungary
Research objective: The research group will construct an English-language; open access; global database as an accessible dataset to consider, how fundamental rights have been affected by enforceable legal norms; soft law documents; and judicial case law in the light of the rising social role of AI. The database will contain all relevant legal instruments enacted by international organisations and by the respective authorities of sovereign states. Then, focusing on the role of the judiciary, based on three case studies, we will elaborate innovative techniques of legal interpretation including judicial review tests on how to find a proper balance between fostering technological development and safeguarding fundamental rights. The three case studies will be the following: right to a fair trial (either in judicial and administrative proceedings); freedom of expression (with special regard to online platforms); right to a healthy environment (including the protection of natural resources.
Principal investigator: Dr. Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth
Project researcher: Rudolf Berkes (full-time)